1. I am so glad today is FINALLY Friday. My week has really been mixed up. I've been one day ahead all week. I think it has to do with the fact that Reed was home from work on Monday for the MLK holiday. On Monday I decided to run into town (ie. the closest 'big' city to us, which is 17 miles away)to do just a couple of errands. I found that Monday morning, before 9:00 is a great time to shop. I had run of the stores! While at Super Walmart, I decided that although we usually buy items such as ice cream only when they are on sale, that we could afford the splurge and the treat. I called Reed and told him to ask the kids what kind of ice cream they'd like: vanilla, strawberry swirl or chocolate swirl. They were able to agree and Jonah shouted 'chocolate squirrel'!! I thought I had misheard, but when I arrived home, he was looking for the chocolate squirrel ice cream!
2. Speaking of squirrels...or more like deer and rabbits. Both of which we seem to have an abundance of in our yard. It seems that the rabbit population is at an all time high in our neck of the woods. This became apparent a few weeks ago when I realized while looking out my window that half of the barberry bushes in our backyard were missing. After further inspection, hubby concluded that it had in fact been rabbits. Well, since then, the evidence is clear. Our yard is being ran by rabbits!! They are attempting to eat just about every bush in our landscaping around our home and there are droppings EVERYWHERE. No, literally, EVERYWHERE!! Trust me, as I type, I am repulsed. I can't even mention when I go out in the yard. *Ugh* To add to our rabbit population, the deer have also returned. For us, visits by the deer are normal and tend to go in cycles. Yes, there are those of you who think these are beautiful, graceful creatures. I may agree, however, there's a line they cross when they start 'roughing up' our pine trees, eating the bushes and in the summer, eating MY flowers! And, just like the rabbits, leaving droppings in the yard. Since we've had all of this snow, I've noticed that there have been no tracks or evidence that they've visited. Until the other night. I woke up yesterday to find tracks ALL OVER our yard that were not there the day before and obviously were from deer. I mentioned to Lily that the deer had been out dancing in our yard by the looks of it. Later yesterday, while the kids were out playing, Lily found some type of animal leavings and declared "the deer where here. It looks like one of them must have gotten sick from all of their dancing!" Funny, but oh so icky too. God's creatures they are. My friends they are not.
3. All kids go through stages. This I know. Lately, Jonah is in the stage where things matter. It is wearing on me a bit. What color his cup is at mealtime, who brushes his teeth at night, who washes his hands....the list goes on. I have also noticed though that he is seeking counsel from his sister when a choice is given to both of them. He'll ask Lily which one she wants and he'll side with her. Which, is a good thing I guess. He could be asking her and then choosing the opposite, just do be difficult.
4. I am looking forward to a baby shower tomorrow for my nephew's wife. Yes, next month I will become Great Aunt for the second time!! Somehow that's amazing to me since I am just 30 and still hoping to have more children myself. A friend of mine had a little boy this week, Lawrence Mark. I can't help but celebrate with these women as they are blessed with little ones. Even in my lack of fertility, I cannot help but be hopeful that our home will soon be blessed with a new little one too.
5. I am considering taking a digital scrapbooking course through community education in February. They are teaching using the Adobe Photoshop program. I figured before I sign up for the class that I'd check how much the program is. After all, it's pointless to take the course and then find out that the program is way more than I'd be spending. Well, that kind of seems to be the case. Unless I am completely confused (and I very well could be), that program is hundreds of dollars. More than I will be spending. I did find other programs though, but I am unsure if they include digital scrapbooking or not. I also found tutorials available online that may be helpful. However, now I am even more confused. I thought this was something I'd enjoy doing, so that was why I considered the course. I guess I've got to do a lot more searching and see if anyone I know uses any of these programs. Anyone??
6. While reading
this book , I have become very inspired to do more in our local Catholic homeschool group. We're a small group, but I see room for a little growth especially in the age group that my kids are in. I have found a ton of ideas for little things to do to start little clubs for the kids. I am seriously considering starting a
Little Flowers Club within our group. I need to check out
The Little Flowers Girls' Club Manual by Rachel Watkins to learn more. I also need to prayerfully consider this venture as well.
7. Inauguration Day has come and gone. I did watch tidbits here and there during the day, but not really any amount of time longer than a few minutes. I did, however, see plenty of recaps all about it. Mostly, I saw the portion during the Oath where there was a transference of words and some confusion. I was interested to find out yesterday that a 're-do' of the Oath was done the following evening. It was done with all words correctly stated in the proper order. As I was reading the news story on the 're-do', I did find it interesting that the Bible was not used. For some reason it was decided that the Lincoln Bible was not needed in the second instance. Hmm...I'm not sure, but if we're doing something a second time just to be extra sure that it is done properly, shouldn't we include all parts that the original carried?? Also, I just saw a story this morning on President Obama and he was in his office writing. I didn't realize he was left handed. Not that it means anything. For some reason, I just happened to notice. You know you're a woman/mom when you notice stuff like that I guess.
For more Quick Takes, check out
Jennifer at Conversion Diary!