What makes it even better was that all of us got to sit in for the ultrasound on Monday. It was so fun to watch the littlest member of our family wiggle around. Although I've known this for a while and my last OB appointment confirmed it, this baby is content to sit very low. Even the ultrasound tech had a tough time getting a good look at baby's head since he/she is sitting way down in my pelvis. It added to the fun of the ultrasound experience when the tech had to keep tilting the bed that I was on, until finally she got the views she needed by having my legs W-A-Y up in the air! Baby just was not going to cooperate for nothing.
In even more exciting news, I just heard back yesterday from Dr. K with the results from my ultrasound regarding the marginal placenta previa condition. The placenta has moved up and is in a much better position, so things should be back to normal. Hooray!! I got the green light to resume my normal activities again! Everything is looking great once again and normal. I am so looking forward to getting outside some more and enjoying autumn walks with my family. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for all of your prayers you sent our way in the last four weeks. I know that we were blessed by them immensely.
Lily was especially looking forward to the ultrasound and couldn't wait. Ever since our early look at baby when I was in ER a few weeks ago, I think she's somehow felt left out and so disappointed that she missed it. Poor girl. Over the last four weeks since our little hospital stay, Lily has also been asking me several times a day whether I have felt the baby moving or not. It's cute, really. I do think though that she just wants to be sure that everything is okay with her sibling and knows that if I'm feeling movement it's a good thing. She's eight now, so she is so in tune with this sort of thing.
Both of the kids regularly acknowledge baby most every day now. I blame the growing belly and the reminder that is quite obvious. Lily has no problem patting or rubbing my belly, even outside of our house. The kids will even tell baby good-bye if one of us is leaving the house or we'll be apart for a little while. We also make sure that baby gets hugs and kisses at bedtime too. Although Jonah is still working on his aim for kissing my belly. Depending on where I'm sitting at bed time (most often lazing on the love seat) I may get kissed much higher or much lower than my belly (*ahem* if you get my drift). And Lily, well, she's also noticing that other things grow much bigger during pregnancy as well. I suppose she's at that age to be aware of that kind of stuff. It does catch me off guard though, especially since it's becoming ABUNDANTLY clear that things are getting much bigger. Yup, we're all in for some changes around here.
Here are the latest updated photos. Yes, I've grown! I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I realize that I.AM.PREGNANT. Only mere months ago, I was uncertain whether I'd ever feel a little one stirring within me again. We have not forgotten how truly blessed we are to be expecting and waiting on baby.