Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thankful for tall pines that take your breath away...

Thankul for blue-eyed babies, just like their father...

Thankful for autumn scenery and gloriously beautiful days...

Thankful for a husband who takes time off work and puts family time first...

Thankful for little boys who challenge, but make me melt all the same...

Thankful for nine year old girls who grow up in the blink of an eye and say some of the most insightful things...

Thankful for 7 month old baby girl who one day decides to make crawling her new full time job *sigh*...

Thankful for progesterone shots that help me maintain pregnancies, despite my absolute dread of them. It's worth it, for the baby's sake...

Thankful for a sweet baby bundle who curls up in a ball, just to show off his or her contortionist ways...

Can you see that little leg and foot stretched out up there way above his or her head? It was a good thing we weren't trying to find out gender, it would've been near impossible last week.

Thankful for sweetness in florals, pinks and purples with untamable hair...

Thankful for nature's little things that leave my children in awe and wonder...

Thankful Thursdays
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week for praise,
thanksgiving and thinking positively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give God.


  1. Awwww, everything was beautiful. My daughter is wearing a similar scarf today, she would never wear a "plain" dress!!

  2. Oh my goodness, that little babe is being so funny! My kids never posed like that for the ultrasound pic - what a showoff ;)


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