...a Friday Family Field Trip!
When Reed told me several weeks ago that his monthly region meeting in his line of work was at
Itasca State Park, I knew it was an opportunity for a Field Trip.
We were all eagerly looking forward to it and I prayed that the weather would be autumn-crisp and perfect.
Friday's weather was just that.
We awoke the kids earlier than usual to make our way out on our almost 2 1/2 hour trek. The sun shone and the kids were all in unusually chipper moods to start out our journey.
Hubby made it in time for his meeting and headed in. I knew we potentially had almost two hours to kill before meeting up with him at lunch time. We found the nearest source for a printed map, hit the restrooms, checked out the gift shop and made our way back outdoors to explore.
There were so many trails to choose from and we wandered a bit trying to find the correct one to lead us to the observation tower. Apparently, while map skills are normally a strong suit of mine, they aren't so much when I am trying to use a feeble, pregnant brain.
We did, however, find this fella:

And the swingset/play area:

In the end we finally asked a worker for some directions! About to head on the correct trail, Reed happened to text me letting me know his meeting was finished. Already!! Perfect timing (I guess we wandered for so long for a reason, after all)since we were still close enough to the lodge for him to catch up.
We set out to find the 100 foot, old fire observation tower. What wonderful hiking we experienced and enjoyed as a family! We couldn't have asked for a better day, weather-wise.

We made it!

The big kids headed to the top with daddy. Mommy stayed on sure ground with sleeping Gianna in the stroller. Who am I kidding? I probably wouldn't have made it all the way to the top any way.
The adventurous three at the top:

Some of the view:

A look at mommy from the top of the tower:

After that we hiked on back to the lodge for lunch, relishing every step and marveling at the beauty that surrounded us.
Lily and I, stopping for a quick photo(Every once in a while mommy does actually get in a photo):

After an excellent lunch at the lodge restaurant, it was time then to drive 5 miles and make our way to the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Not too long of a walk on the trail to find what we had set out to see. I was surprised to see actually how small of an area the water covered to begin the Mighty Mississippi. I don't know what I expected, but I guess maybe a bigger body of water. Either way, it was fun to say we saw it.

Crossing the rocks with daddy:

Can you see their faces below? They say "We love fun family outings!!"

Another day of precious memories and beautiful moments, all of us together.