Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back To Life, Back To Reality


We're back in the saddle at the old homestead and school is almost in full swing. Being the wise realistic veteran (I can say this now that we're in our fifth year) homeschooling mom, I planned our lesson plans on the lighter side for the first couple of weeks. I've come to appreciate this when it's the evening before the first day of school and I'm running around frantically preparing. Phew. Not as much of a load this way.

With two official days down, we are thriving and successful. Despite the reluctance that reared it's ugly head in the last week of summer, Tuesday morning dawned hope and eagerness in the hearts of young students.

As in the past, the routine and schedule put a new spring in my step and lightness in my chest. 

The only wild card was the unknown of how the little girls would handle the new normal. 

Well, they hardly missed a beat and didn't notice a thing. They still got to crawl/run around and rain down toy disaster wherever they went. Alone or together they spent time going back and forth between the schoolroom and the playroom.

At the end of the day, as long as there was cake to celebrate the momentous First Day, all was well.

All they really cared about was how the new changes affected what time lunch was served.
Right on time. As always.

 With the big kids back to school, it did mean that Gianna had to step it up a bit and take on new responsibilities.
She'd tell you that nothing gets done without her. If only she could.

 When the day is done, big kids are happy (so far), they have plenty of free/play time and the little girls are glad their buddies are at home to play. Our homeschooling gig is definitely still working for us.



  1. You make homeschooling look so easy and peaceful! Great job Mama!!

  2. Congrats on a successful start to the new school year, Sarah...I agree with you about the peace of heart and mind that routine and schedule bring. I am loving your photos of the littles, especially your girls at lunch! I also love how there was cake to celebrate the first day of school. And the title of this post! I am humming that song now! Have a great day...

  3. I am seeing "inseperable" in those two little girls! So much fun! I loved all the pictures and glad your week is going well.

  4. Your children are just beautiful. As a former teacher, I remember the change that comes with "schedule" but am still enjoying these early years with Ava. We plan on hopefully homeschooling at LeAST till junior high. Your home looks like such a happy one. Good job Mommy!

  5. Those are THE cutest photos!!! I love the ones of the little girls the best!


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