Monday, December 6, 2010

Babies Abound!

It seems that I'm keeping some pretty good company lately. There's a new batch of blogger baby announcements that have been keeping up the Blogville population. Hooray!!

I enjoy reading how each of you share the news and I love being in the company of many wonderful women who are open to new life.

I wanted to give a shout out to all of you, so please pardon my pregnant brain if I've forgotten you. Be sure and let me know though in comments. I try to keep each of you and your baby on my prayer list. Congrats again, Mamas!

Allison at A Broken Fortress

Hope at Memoirs of a Hopeful Housewife

Aimee at The Mother Load


There's also Sarah at More Than Enough who is due VERY SOON.

And of course, there are a couple of my IRL friends who are expecting too!

If you are among the wonderful women who still wait with empty arms either through infertility, recent miscarriage or other reasons and I read from you or you read here, know that you're in our nightly St. Andrew Christmas novena prayers.


  1. You are so sweet, Sarah! Thank you.

    And I, for one, am anxiously awaiting your little one! Less than 10 weeks now.... very very exciting!


You're so kind for dropping me a line!

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