Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Sweet He Is

Yesterday marked 6 years since the miscarriage of our child, Natalie Noel. We remember this tiny member of our family regularly, but especially on May 14th. Once again, Reed remembered and brought me something home.

Each year the card simply reads:

With Love,
To: Mommy
From: Natalie

And each year I tear up just a bit. As time has gone on the sadness has turned into acceptance, but the memory of that day comes flooding back in an instant. How precious this little child was and is.

Over time I've realized that due to current circumstances and difficulty becoming pregnant, there may come a day that I may walk that road again. I may lose again, but that cannot keep me from hoping and trying to bring more little ones into this world. Trust me, it's taken me a long time to face this reality and I'm going to do whatever I can to prepare a safe and healthy place for more little ones. But ultimately, only God knows how many little angels I will help bring into heaven.


  1. I didn't realize yesterday was a hard day for both of us. Thinking of you Sarah and our little girls waiting for us in heaven.

  2. We have a little peanut up there as well waiting for us- Aloysius John, but we call him Alex. Praying for you!

  3. Thinking of you Sarah! Love, Sue

  4. ahhhhh! I saw your mom on that day! I told her I prayed extra for you on Mother's day and we talked about your Natalie. I lost one around 9 weeks, one month before becoming pregnant with Katherine.

  5. Oh, yeah, your mom held Bridget while they took blood, stuck my nose with these long sticks and swabbed my glad your mom was there!!

    (I'm ok, just bad cough and larengitus)

  6. Once again, no matter how much time passes, I am sorry for your loss. I know that you wonder sometimes what she would look like now, and picture her running around and playing with Lily & Jonah. Praying for you, sister.

  7. Your husband is so sweet to do that, prayers for you all.

  8. I know how you feel. Gabriella's birthday post was going to include the story of our little ones, but for some reason I lost it all and didn't have it in me to rehash it all at that our, maybe today. Someday, we'll party with our little ones. For now, we rest in our prayers for us.


You're so kind for dropping me a line!

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