Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sing Along Monday
I stop what I'm doing whenever I hear the little Outside/Line Up song come on during Bubble Guppies. I can't resist. I love that little number.
Yes, my kids are probably too old for that show, but they seem to genuinely enjoy it and every episode has something that makes them laugh.
As for me, I listen from the other room just waiting for my favorite part. It makes me smile every time.
Because I'm sometimes a nerdy mom, I also try to sing it while getting my kids out the door. They moan and groan, but secretly I think they like it.
Happy Monday!
Friday, June 17, 2011
We Have A Winner!
Congrats HappyMommyOnline, one of my newest readers! Please email me (see sidebar) your mailing address and I'll get your prizes off to you ASAP!
Thanks everyone for entering!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Last Chance To Enter!

Don't forget to leave a comment to enter my giveaway. Enter by tomorrow morning to have a chance to win!
Click here to leave a comment on my 500th Post Giveaway!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
This & That
If you are sticking around for the entertainment, here's a little of what we've been up to:
End of the school year field trip (aka Gianna's longest van trip so far)to the big city that included a visit to the Children's Museum.
Lego World exhibit currently at the Museum
We also visited our State Capitol where daddy showed us around. He's on a legislative committee as part of his job, so he occasionally attends meetings there. The kids were so fascinated with the capitol and its beauty. Jonah was so funny as he kept asking Reed, "where's your office dad?". We had to keep explaining that daddy just goes there for meetings and isn't quite important enough to have an office there. He did think it was pretty cool that daddy got to go work at the big capitol though. (Truthfully, I agree)
And we couldn't pass up the Cathedral just down the street when we were so close.
Lily enjoyed six weeks of soccer again this spring. She tried the program a couple years ago in the fall and chose to try it again this year. She was eager to head to the field each Monday and Thursday evening in the cold, heat or rain/mud. While still not really into competition, it did prove to be a good experience again for her to work with teammates and work on her skills.
We joined our homeschool group last week on a field trip to a Nature Learning Center. The kids learned how to compile a nature journal and as we walked along the trails and around the buildings they recorded their findings. Lots of birds to explore and listen for along the way.
Lastly, Lily had her spring piano recital and all her grandparents were able to attend. Lily did excellent performing one song solo and the other as a duet with her teacher.
We've been busy! Can you tell that the weather is beautiful and it's summertime? We're enjoying every minute of it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
One Of My Favorite Baby Gifts
What an excellent gift idea, especially if this is baby number 2 or more. You know how that is when you record everything diligently for the first child in their beautiful baby book and then the next one(s) come along and there are many blank pages? At least, that's what happened here.
I love this calendar because you start it the month of baby's birth and keep it up for that first year. It even comes with stickers like 'First Tooth', 'First Steps', 'Doctor Visit', etc. With plenty of room to jot down other things you may want to remember as well.
Taking my SIL's suggestion, I keep it in Gianna's room along with a pencil to record things quickly where it's handy. I've included her first night in the crib, behavior changes, weight at checkups, family events, lots of 'firsts' and a couple other stories to remember.
The one Gianna received was from Hallmark, but I just found out last week that they are now discontinued. I searched Amazon and found a Baby Girl Calendar by Avalanche for a reasonable price, even with shipping that I purchased for my friend's new baby.

If you are searching for a perfect baby gift, I'd HIGHLY recommend one of these calendars. You won't regret it and mommy will be absolutely delighted to receive this treasured gift!
Monday, June 13, 2011
500th Post Giveaway!

I've hit my 500th Post! Woo-hoo!
When I began, it was a way to make the time to write, share and store my thoughts on so many things. Even if it wasn't ever read by anyone else, I knew it was here and perhaps someone by happenstance would come across me in this little corner of the Internet.
Since then I've written about the highs and lows, shared the journey of secondary infertility, heartache, laughter, hope, joy, love, homeschooling, parenting, pregnancy and beyond. I've come a long way and I've enjoyed my place in the blogging community.
As a little thank you for reading here and following along, I've got a giveaway for you!
The prize:
1) a copy of a simple cookbook compiled by a friend of mine
2) a CD from John Michael Talbot (I gave you a heads up, remember?)
3) AND a $10 Target Giftcard!
A simple way to celebrate my blog's 500th post and a gift for a lucky reader too!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post. Feel free to also link to this giveaway on your blog and leave a comment letting me know you did so and you'll earn yourself a second chance to win.
You may enter until 8:00am(Central) this Friday, June 17th. The winner will be randomly drawn later that morning and will be posted.
I'm looking forward to another 500+ posts with you, as long as you keep coming back to check in. Thank you for stopping by and always blessing my day with your kind words.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Why Am I Having Trouble Leaving Comments?
I'm not sure if it's my new laptop and some setting on here or what the deal is, but I'm having trouble commenting on some blogs. I write the comment and click for the Google Account option for identification (of which I'm already signed in) and it doesn't show my name like it used to. It kicks me over to the Blogger login screen where I again type my Google info. and still my comment tries to post as 'Anonymous'.
HELP appreciated.
PS...Patty, I've been trying to comment, really I have :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
That's My Boy
We searched to find a good fit for a spring sport activity for Jonah this year. Having never taken anything previously, we were able to locate a six week T-Ball course given at the local YMCA that covered the basics before getting into the actual game. This seemed like the best place to start for our little slugger. All in all, I think it was a success and he looked forward to it each week. It didn't exactly spark any more eagerness from Jonah in the sports department, but I think there's still plenty of time for him to find his niche.
Promoting the father-son bond, I had hubby take him to his weekly practice. He captured a number of photos on the last evening and I had to share them. I found most of them hilarious, because they honestly showed Jonah in his true form and I could almost read his every thought. I'm posting a few with captions below for your enjoyment.
"Say what? Can you repeat that?"
"How much longer do I have to stand here and wait for the ball?"
"Now we're getting down to business!"
"FINALLY. I get to hit the ball."
"Sure is hot out here. I wonder what time practice is over?"
Sunday, June 5, 2011
My Least Favorite Word

As moms I think we've all got a word or words that our children say that just get under our skin. Agree?
Mine is the B-Word.
You know the one: B-O-R-E-D.
I despise it and when it dare be uttered forth from the mouth of a child in my home, I cringe. In summertime, I cringe even more. Of course, my dear boy knows this and I kid you not, he uses it just because he can. And now, he's even began spelling it because he knows that his utterance of it will cost him yet another lecture.
I'm not sure that he even knows the meaning, despite my numerous explanations. I also know that my kids have 'things' and 'stuff', creativity and imagination, so there seems no way possible that there could be boredom in this house.
But when I'm just in the first week of summer vacation and I hear 'I'm bored', I clearly see that something's gotta give.
We'll have fun this summer and we'll be plenty busy. There are sure to be many days with planned activities and events away from home, but I also think there can be plenty that can be enjoyed at home too. I want to keep the summer fun and full of memories for the kids, but how do I do that while keeping boredom at bay?
I want there to be days of reading books in the shade, taking a swim in the lake, visiting with friends and family, along with days to just 'be'. Anyone have any tried and true methods you can share? I'm really thinking about enforcing a penalty for every time the word 'bored' is used, but what other deterrents can I use? Seasoned moms, chime in!
My sanity will thank you come September.