1) We were finally able to meet our newest nephew this week! He was born last October, but since his family lives in Louisiana we haven't had the chance to meet until now. What a cutie he is! And we've been glad to have them visiting all week.
2) Since we finished school last week, we are officially on summer vacation. I have a bit more 'free' time and I've been enjoying getting outside a little more and tending to my flowers in the yard.
3) We have had glorious weather this last week. Not too hot and little breezes, rather than the blustery winds that we've been plagued with all spring. All of this leads to more time outside and a mama getting some color on her skin that's washing away that winter-white!
4) Last weekend was a productive one and we finally finished a project that should've had done years ago. We have a small, steep hill that leads down to our garden and we've worn a pretty good path through the weeds and dirt over these last seven years. We've wanted to make actual steps down to the garden, but couldn't ever agree on what materials to use and how to complete the project. Reed and I worked on it together last Saturday and accomplished it. And it only cost about $80. Not bad, considering how much of a thorn in my side it's been until now!
5) I celebrated with dear blogville mama's this week as they brought little ones into the world: Lerin welcomed Lucia Catherine and Margaret welcomed Anthony Joseph Mary. Congrats again Ladies!
6) I think I've successfully finished choosing our curriculum for school in the fall and I've even got some of it ordered already! I'm efficient, if anything.
1) No baby this week for my IRL friend, Michelle. I've watched and waited with her as she awaits her little baby's arrival. She's always had her children early, so with this one getting close to the due date she is becoming very anxious. I try to encourage her as much as possible, but being that I've gone overdue with both of mine (11 days and 3 days) I can't help but feel like she's got PLENTY of time yet!
2) Due to #6 in my HI'S, I won't be attending our Catholic Homeschool conference this weekend. It's a couple hour drive to get there and since I could click and take sneak peaks online, Reed and I decided it wasn't really essential to attend this year. Don't get me wrong, we like the speakers and the encouragement we receive there, but we just didn't feel we NEEDED it as much this year. I will miss it though.
3) I'm still waiting on a phone call from my new physician to find out what her course of treatment will be after my consult appointment last week. She had a list of several potential issues and needed to discuss treatment options with her colleagues. I'm interested to hear what the course of treatment will be. I'm ready to try whatever she suggests and see if we can't change this infertility diagnosis around.
What were your HI's and LO's this week?
Go check out what Colleen's were this week.