It's winter here in Minnesota which brings a drier environment both indoors and out.
I have found myself the last several winters with extremely dry lips. I think my lips have always been dry, but somehow as I age (or become more maternal and hormones or something changes) they keep getting worse. I'm not talking just dry, chapped lips. They are extremely dry layers of skin that peel off no matter how well I lube them up.
I've done sugar scrubs and other exfoliating lip products to peel that dryness off and it always works. The bad part though is that the dry flakiness always returns no matter how much I slather on moisturizers and balms.
Would you like to know what sort of things I've tried? Inquiring minds wanna know, right?
These are some of the latest over the past two winters:

None of them worked. In fact, some of them even dried my lips more and unless I constantly slathered that stuff on, my lips were horrible. C'mon, I've got more important things to do than apply lip therapy all day long.
Recently I went on a quest to research the dickens out of this lip care topic. I spent more time searching Pinterest, online boards and forums, product reviews and the like than I did when buying our last vehicle.
Somewhere in the midst of all that data I found many suggestions
to try this:

I hit up Target last week and dug deep to spend the $3+ for this tube.
But you know what? I'm so glad I did!
Within a day the results were in and my lips were smooth again. They have now stayed that way for over a week and that's only with applying the Aquaphor a couple times a day.
That makes this Minnesota gal happy and ready to embrace the rest of winter.
I'll be purchasing another tube (or several) to keep handy around home and in my purse. You know how it is, when you find a good thing, stick with it.
Until the company inevitable discontinues the product without so much as asking you.
*This is a simple product suggestion to my dear readers. I have not been compensated to review or promote this product. I just really like it.