Almost two months ago when I clicked to read my daily dose
Faith & Family Live! and spotted
this one, I must admit that I was slightly confused. I re-read the post title and literally thought that it was the weirdest thing I'd heard in awhile. I mean, I've heard of both exercising and of praying the rosary and have done both, clearly. But had never heard the two intertwined quite like this.
Feeling oddly inspired to learn more, I went on to the website to learn more about
The Rosary Workout. At the time I was in a sort of exercising lull, if you want to call it that. I felt that I was at a good fitness level and really lacking the inspiration toward my exercise routine. I get like that sometimes. The more I read, the more I figured there really wasn't much too lose and lots more to be gained.
How could I not at least test it out and try it? I could add spiritual growth and renewal at the same time as working toward continued health. I could use the extra prayer time. I could use a new way to lead me into deeper meditation. I could use some guidance from someone who clearly
knew fitness. So I tried it.
Seven weeks later, I'm still on my Rosary Workout journey. Although I was tempted to skip ahead since my fitness level was more advanced than 'beginner', I did at least follow along the first few weeks in order to walk through the process and find the rhythm and beauty of the workout. I am at a level now where I am doing it three days a week and there are a few other days that when the weather is still nice I take a walk with the kids or some other type of exercise instead. I did eventually jump ahead to where it fit my fitness level a little better and am just about into the interval training. I'm enjoying it. It's allowed for more frequent praying of the rosary and again feeling wrapped in the arms of our Blessed Mother.
The Workout is very well laid out and designed. It can be for the most beginner of beginners, the postpartum mom who is ready to get moving a little more and for those of us in the frigid Midwest it will be wonderful to keep up with in the winter months too. It can be simply implemented with or without exercise equipment (elliptical, recumbent bike, treadmill,etc.) or used just plain old walking or jogging. Pretty versatile and easily accessed. No excuses or limitations. I like to try other exercise routines on the days I don't do this workout and if I am able, but adding this each week certainly lends a hand in keeping my routines from becoming just that and then to my eventual lack of interest.
If you are looking for something new or for something inexpensive (did I mention it's just under $10 and is in ebook format?) to jump start you in the right direction, I'd give this a try! If you are looking for a deeper devotion to Mary and greater consistency in a meaningful, prayerful rosary, this is a great tool.
Obviously, if you have not exercised in awhile and have physical limitations and conditions, as with all exercising, consult your doctor before beginning.
Editor's Note: For the record, I decided to use the above post photo of a random, exceptionally fit woman, rather than one of myself. Being all modest and all. Well, that and that I don't feel like I look anything like that woman! We're all a work in progress and it all starts with tiny steps...