Thursday, January 3, 2013

12 For 2012: A Photo Recap

Hopping on the bandwagon over at Dwija's because she is one fabulous hostess with the most-est. 

Here are some photo highlights from 2012. There were so many to choose from, but in the end I chose what captured US from the year. It was a year of survival and just figuring out how to roll with this house of blessings. The greatest part is that we did it! And I am proud that we accomplished such great things, thanks to prayer and a whole lot of grace.

Remember my word for 2012?


Oh yes, I got plenty opportunity to work on that one. 

Looking toward the year ahead and all it will bring, while reflecting greatly on all the ways 2012 blessed us.

Stay tuned for my word for 2013 that I'll post soon.

I know you're on the edge of your seat, aren't you?


  1. Oh my gosh! I had to laugh out loud when I read that word. I remember when you said that was your word for 2012 - ha! Look how well the Lord tested you (wink) with so many bundles of cuteness in your house! You survived (weren't they Irish twins??) and now you are moving into 2013. Home school mom, four kids - two of them have earned your wings for sure :)

  2. I was just going to ask you for your 2013 word...trying to be patient :)

    Such a busy year, and you must feel like you are over the hump. I love the goggles picture!!

  3. That was fun to see...I tried to do it, but looking at pictures takes soooo long and I can't decide on the pictures...We didn't do anything...nothing. nada. Just pumped and had surgeries....

  4. I'm stoked that so many people wanted to do this! Yay! A picture a month is such a neat way to force ourselves to reflect on what really illustrates our lives. Super fun. You're also inspiring me to maybe jump on the word of the year bandwagon...

  5. This is SO great. I'm with Jamie Jo, though... I have such a hard time with pics. I'll try in the next few days. So much to post on, though.

    I cannot believe that after your FEBRUARY picture (and after having two so close together)... that you look like you do in your SEPTEMBER picture. Ah-mazing!

    So glad this year of "tranquility" has been so filled with blessings for your family!

  6. What a fun idea and looks like you had a great year with those cute cute kiddos!


You're so kind for dropping me a line!