Monday, October 6, 2014

Early October Daybook

Outside my Window...

Blustery winds and cold have scattered leaves throughout the yard. The line of sight from here, out my patio door, and toward the lake has become more clear. In time, I will be able to see the frozen lake all winter long.

Thankful For...

Moments of peace within my home, my heart, and my soul.

A cozy home to nestle in during the upcoming colder months.

Thinking About...

A number of projects that need my attention this month, including some Halloween costumes. There is another little project I need to get to for a gift in the next couple of weeks as well. We're also heading into a busier liturgical season, so that means more planning and work for my part time job is upon me as well.

I am Hearing...

A blissful silence during 'naptime at the zoo'. (Yes, I really do call it that)The little girls are napping and I'm spending the time on the computer. In the background, I hear the sound of father and son working on a project in the basement.

What I am Reading...

After reading about Well Read Mom on numerous blogs in the last year, I was only semi-interested. Fast forward to a month ago when Margaret mentioned it on Facebook and it struck a chord. I decided I'd jump in on my own to start with  the hopes that perhaps I'd find some friends to join me in the future.

I'm a little behind and just finishing up the September read, Hannah Coulter, before diving into Pride and Prejudice for October.  I'm really enjoying this light read and the commitment to actually make the time to sit and read. Even just being accountable to myself to finish each month is still enough inspiration I need to stick to the program.

Daily encouragement comes to me these days from Blessed Is She. Are you a subscriber? I don't even recall which blogger I stumbled upon mentioning this new community of women. I get the email every day with the daily readings and a short motherly/womanly meditation. It's been the spiritual encouragement I've needed lately and a rich blessing.

From the Kitchen...

I've gotten a little off track again with my meal planning. Perhaps the at home, around the hearth, days will get me back to good cooking once again. I think the crockpot may be calling my name again and it's about time to put it back to good use.

If we are around home, many afternoons find me with a cup of coffee with just the right mixture of french vanilla creamer and pumpkin spice. So cozy this time of year.

Pumpkin is the seasonal ingredient and while not my most favorite, this year it seems especially enticing. Recently I've made a Pumpkin Dump Cake and also a two ingredient Pumpkin Muffin and we enjoyed both recipes. I'd still like to try this Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread or maybe Jamie's recipe while we are in the autumn season.

On Tap for this Week...

The usual lessons (speech and piano) a couple of days, while preparing for an orchard visit with the B family later this week. We also have another nephew getting married on Saturday, it is sure to be a big family hoop-de-do!

Around the House...

With the gifting season nearly upon us, I'm taking second glances at unused items (toys) here and there. After doing a big Thomas the train purge late summer, I'm feeling at least a bit more breathing room. I could sort through some of those bottom-of-the-toy-basket items and the usual smaller items that just end up scattered wherever there is floor space.

It also seems that we are in for some readjustments in daily duties/chores again for the kids. We seem to go in a rotation and ever few months we need to revamp our system. I wish we could find something that consistently works. We have found that with the kids' ages, stages, moods, and commitment changing, so does the responsibility (or sometimes lack thereof) level. Mama can't do everything and it's time to get everyone back pitching in again.

Picture to Share... 

Flashback one year ago:


  1. Oh man I hear you on the pitching in thing. It's like pulling teeth to have a 2 year old clean up but since he's capable of doing so it would be bad to not have him learn. We've been all about the crock pot lately too!

  2. Oh my gosh! We are soul sisters I tell you.
    I need to check in on that well read mom post. I need guidance or directive (or both) in that area. I did just finish an amazing book on Pope St. JPII. Needing another. I find reading at night during the holiday season is such an anchor to sanity. For me at least.

    We are in bday season here. Every two to three weeks :). I've been very very careful about what to purchase this year. Keeping things simple but having meaning or a real purpose to them. (Not something that gets tossed in a corner after a week of hard play).

    Wished we lived closer. :)

    Enjoy your week ahead!!

  3. Gosh, that cleaning thing...I made the kiddos help me organize the whole stsinkin' house the other night, took us 2 know, put things in the RIGHT places...not just pushed aside against the wall in the toy room, or anywhere on the books, just everywhere and mixed in with toys and animals...organized. I felt really good about it. (for 2 days) now it's back to the way it was.

    Oops...I went off there.

    Love the flashback to last year...they grow so much don't they?

    Busy fall for you...
    You will not regret that pumpkin bread, seriously, the best. I also have a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin recipe, makes 2 dozen, perfect for freezing 6 at a time for breakfasts.

    I can not read novels. I need to read real things. Only non fiction for me.
    I also can not "subscribe" to too much. Like this summer, I subscribed to Momnipitent (or however you spell that) It was good at first, then it turned into too much clutter. You know in my head.

    I'm doing the daily Divine Mercy thing, comes to my email....liking that...but then when there is a string of days where it doesn't speak to me, well, it becomes clutter again in my head.

    I'm weird. I know.

    When are you going out east?


You're so kind for dropping me a line!