Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Five Finger Prayer

 All the credit goes to Pope Francis for this one. I found it on Facebook last night and shared it, but I couldn't help but share it here too.

In Pope Francis style, super simple and attainable. I'm grateful to have this little reminder as I struggle to find make time to pray and the needs/prayers for so many seem like a multitude in my brain.

I think this would be a great little way to teach my children to also pray using something they already have: their five fingers!

Maybe this will help you out too or inspire you in a new way how to pray. While you're at it, don't forget to pray for Pope Francis (and Benedict too)!


  1. This is AWESOME!!! I'm going to have the Campus Minister here print it up and post it near the Chapel (where we have First Friday Adoration all day here!!! I love working in a Catholic high school!!!!)

  2. This is wonderful, Sarah!!
    God bless Pope Francis, and you, too, for sharing it!!

  3. Amazing! Thanks for sharing, friend!

    Happy weekend!

  4. This is so helpful, I love it! Thanks for sharing for those of us who are Facebook impaired!

  5. This is a great reminder of all those we need to pray for. It's easy to forget about others and to pray only for ourselves and the needs/wants we desire. I, too, sometimes forget to pray for our country's leaders. Thank you for sharing Pope Francis' tip.


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