Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ten On Ten: March

One photo an hour for ten hours on the tenth of the month.

Linking up with Rebekah at A Bit of Sunshine.

The best way to start the day after you spring the clock forward.

Heading out on the road to go speak at one of our diocesan marriage courses. Crusty, icky road after rain, sleet, snow and slush on Saturday.

Our destination.

For serious? Isn't anyone else more qualified to speak on this topic?
They're stuck with us I guess.

A sale at Payless Shoes and a 30% off coupon = Sweet deal for almost every member of the family and a $35 savings.

Finally back on the way home.

The little photographer of the household.

Waving goodbye to Papa and Grams as they head home.

Chicken. It's what's for supper.

"Can't a girl get some peace and quiet around here?!"


  1. Oh my gosh, I love your topic! I want to hear your talk, can you blog it sometime? That picture of Gianna cracked me up!

  2. Great 10 on 10! How precious to see your little ones waving good bye to the grandparents. I wish mine could do that, but we live too far away from them. And that last one? That's a winner!!

  3. Any chance I could get that exact same cup of coffee right now? Yummmmm...and love the pic of the kids waving to Grandma and Grandpa! Have a great week, friend!

  4. Love this - I need to remember to do this next month. What an interesting idea to just snap a photo each hour - fun way to look back on your day! My favorite photo is the last one...we have so many pictures like that of each of the kids!

  5. Man.. wish I'd linked up. Gianna... so cute! Can you teach Ava how to potty?


You're so kind for dropping me a line!