Thursday, October 11, 2012

Let The Bells Ring Out, The Year Of Faith Has Begun!

As declared by Pope Benedict XVI, today begins the Year of Faith.

It marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and will continue until November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King.

This year also marks the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), so the Pope is encouraging us to delve further into our faith and read the catechism.

Want to really get into this year and fall more in love with your faith and the Catholic Church?

How about reading that big ol' CCC?

Give flocknotes a click and they will email you every day and break it down for you. (Thanks, Cari!)

How about family catechism for this year? Would you like a simple version with video clips explaining the catechism questions geared toward children? Sure ya do!

Family Catechism can help you with that.

Another little treasure I found the other day was a whole Vatican website for this year. It's got tidbits upon tidbits of information if you are looking for it:

Were you aware that there is a plenary indulgence given for the Year of Faith? There is!

Find out more over here.

Alrighty, now that I've given you all of this information, maybe you can help me. I have the task of teaching our Little Flowers girls (age 7-11) lesson next week. Virtue: FAITH. How providential, huh? We will definitely touch on the Year of Faith, but I'd like to know how to exactly easily break down the virtue. Short and sweet, but that it explains the wonderful gift of FAITH enough.

I've got ideas, but I thought I'd ask you for any suggestions. Leave me a comment if you've got anything. Thanks!


  1. Jessica at Shower of Roses has notes for all the wreaths on her blog! (If I ever teach Little Flowers I will definately use her posts as references!). Thanks for all the great links.

  2. Oh, Sarah, thanks for all of these amazing links!


You're so kind for dropping me a line!