Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Point, Shoot, Click

I don't know that I have a {passion} for photography and photos, but I do have a strong interest/desire/intrigue for it. I have long enjoyed pulling out the camera in the effort to find the perfect shot with a simple click.

Of course, my favorite subjects are my children and still-framing the big (and little) moments that remain in my heart, but will also remain embedded on my jump drive for years to come.

Over the time that I've been reading and following blogs I have been privy to some amazing photography. Pure beauty and awe-inspiring.

I often wonder (and sometimes dare ask in your comboxes) what kind of outrageously expensive awesome camera you use. Realizing fully that it's not necessarily the camera that does all the work, but the handiwork of the artist/photographer mom as well.

With the plan of having many more years to capture life's moments, I've been scheming and plotting how to save up my pennies for an upgrade. Keeping in mind that I don't follow nor understand much of the camera jargon, all I can say is that I want a simple and easy to use DSLR camera with more capability than my current model (Canon PowerShot SX120).

Did I mention that I don't want to spend $500, if possible?

So, my dear witty, talented, smart and phenomenal readers, enlighten me.

What camera do you use and what would you suggest? 


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Well I love my camera, but I have no idea how much it cost because Phil gave it to me for my 30th bday. It's a Canon Rebel EOS. Now almost all of my siblings have the same one! The funny thing is that since I got my smartphone, I usually just use that to take pictures!!

  2. Just signing up to get the follow up comments :) For now I am very happy with the iphone camera, but it's on my husband's phone.. so I may get a real camera at some point :)

  3. I also have a Canon Rebel EOS, they're expensive new but we got ours used from a coworker for cheaper than the version that is one down from it. It's fairly straightforward if you keep it in the automatic setting, I like that it can take pictures without flash that my point and shoot can't. So a lot of pictures turn out more natural.

  4. I have the original Canon Rebel XT...long since discontinued but still works like a charm. The BIG investment comes along with the lenses though.

    I would suggest renting cameras from camera stores in order to get a feel for what you like.

    A must is The Digital Photography Book 1 & 2 by Scott Kelby. Great! Easy to use!

    Check out photography classes on line or at a local Jr. College if you have one near you.

    THE best advice I ever received was to purchase all of my camera equipment at out of NY. A professional supplier where anyone can purchase from. You will easily save $$ ordering through them. Compare and shop. They have great sales starting the beginning of October (pre holiday prices).

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. THE best photos are the natural poses. The planned ones always bomb for me at least!

  5. I have a Canon Rebel EOS... again, like Colleen it was a gift (from my ex boyfriend... who was a generous gift giver) I do love it and use it ALL the time. The camera is almost always in the diaper bag along with the HD Video camera that my Shaun got me for mother's day. It is super easy. (also has the ability to do a lot more... but I still don't know how to do all that stuff)

  6. I suggest Sam's Club and go for medium price....

  7. Looks like the camera of choice is Canon Rebel from all your readers! That is what we have as well, and love it! :) You can borrow for a few days if you would like.

  8. Sorry... finally popping online and rocking the boat on this.
    I went from the point-and-shoot Nikon Cool Pix (which was great!)to the Nikon D3100. I love, love, love this new one!! Now having said that, it is over your $500 limit, but I was at the right place at the right time and got an awesome deal on mine.

    Hubby had a Canon AE1 years ago, long before anyone ever dreamt of digital a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g and we really enjoyed it.

    So IF you decide to go with the Nikon, this one ROCKS and I highly recommend it.

    Thanks for your prayers. Blessings to you!

    1. No, no, Lori, not rocking the boat at all. I appreciate having other models to compare and check out, so thank you for throwing out another idea besides the Rebel!!

    2. Sarah, I know this is kind of late... but I just came across this site that I think you, and probably several others, will be interested in!

      Root around, I found it very informative! (I linked you to the page where they compare the Rebel with the Nikon 3100, but there is SO much more there...)

    3. Thanks for the link, Lori! I'll check it out.


You're so kind for dropping me a line!