Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walk For Life

Last Saturday I took three of the four kiddos to a local Walk for Life benefiting a pregnancy center in the area. This center is a wonderful resource to help pregnant women in the decision to choose life, get them the help and education they need and assist them with baby supplies. It also provides further instruction to the dad-to-be.
It was only a two mile walk along the streets in the town where the center is located in order to raise awareness. I figured that was the least we could do.


I invited my mom to join me in the walk and thought that it was a perfect way to celebrate life on Mother's Day weekend. The weather was absolutely.gorgeous. that morning. I had intended to take Gianna along and then the two big kids decided that morning that they wanted to join in as well. It's a walk for life, so might as well bring as many of my blessings as possible!


My BFF, Michelle, was there too so we chatted as we walked. Of course. She was able to slip out of the house minus kiddos that morning, so that was a rare treat for her.

It was so much fun to participate in the walk and celebrate life with many others who support and choose life. For some reason I managed to forget to take a photo of us all walking. It was a good crowd for a smaller town and there were lots of kids there as well.


Since the walk started and finished at a park, we couldn't leave without a little bit of time spent on the playground.


To keep the celebration going, next we were off to the coffee shop for coffee and muffins with my mom. Since we weren't going to be together Sunday, I thought this was a nice way to honor my mom and get the chance to spend some time together.


The kids were especially excited to share a Turtle Mocha and Raspberry Cream Cheese muffin. I enjoyed my Peanut Butter Chocolate coffee cooler and Banana Nut muffin. Yum. I figured the two mile walk prior to the treats made up for the splurge. Right?

It ended up being a very special pre-Mother's Day with my mom and most of my kiddos.

What did Reed to while we were gone, you might ask? He was busy with Greta of course, but while she napped he managed to get a second coat of paint on the new basement bedroom. It saved me from having to do it, which was a bonus Mother's Day gift. What a hubby!


  1. That looks like a beautiful day! Our local RTL group didn't hold their annual walk/run this year and we were very disappointed--especially the kids! It is one of those positive things they like to feel a part of. I'm glad you had such a great Mother's Day weekend!

  2. Yay for life and walking and moms and treats and helpful husbands!

  3. Praying for you!!! Love this post, I love being uplifted. Your family is so beautiful. God is SO good!

  4. Oh and you mean your BFF in real life, because I am claiming that title for bloggy land :)

    1. You know it, Colleen!! You are my BBFF (Bloggy BFF). For Always and Forever :)


You're so kind for dropping me a line!